Preparing For The Cold.

Fall is the best time to prepare for what you need to accomplish before winter sets in. Winterizing your boat is a sad time, but Firstmate Controls is here to help! We are the best boat lift control manufacturer, and we create incredible accessories to make your dock more convenient and safer. So we have all the important tips you need to get your boat ready for the winter season. Keep reading to learn the vital steps you don't want to miss when you winterize your boat. 

Drain All the Water

You will need to drain the water from all the water systems on your boat. Open all the water spigots from the water tank and the hot water tank. Make sure you disconnect the hot water heater from electric before draining. Run all the faucets until the water tanks are empty. After the water has been drained, turn the pump off. Now you can add antifreeze to the water storage tank. Turn the pump back on and make sure the hot water fixture that is farthest away from the pump is open. Once you see antifreeze come through the fixture that is farthest away you can turn off the pump. Complete the same step with the cold water fixture. Make sure you get antifreeze to everything including the shower if you have one on your boat. You should also add antifreeze to the engine block. This will prevent any lingering water from freezing and cracking your block. Make sure you use marine antifreeze for this process.

Change the Oil

The less frequently you're utilizing your boat, the more important it is to change the oil. This means, that before putting your boat up for the winter, this should be a task you take care of. While your boat was in use these past few months, water and other corrosive substances may have made their way into your oil. Residual acids and moisture left in the crankcase over the winter can pit bearings and other vital engine parts. So, before storing your boat, protect your boat's engine and replace your oil filter and give your boat an oil change.   

Considerations for the Fuel 

This maintenance step has been much debated and still gets conflicting answers. However, filling up on fuel before storing your boat is actually a very important part of winterization maintenance. Leaving your fuel tank empty or not full while your boat is stored this winter will allow condensation to enter. Condensation won't be your only issue since this can actually lead to rust and corrosion inside of your fuel tank. To prevent this from occurring, it's recommended to fill your tank up to about 90% capacity before storing. To ensure your fuel is ready for use in the spring, mix a fuel stabilizer into your fresh fuel. You may also want to consider changing the fuel filter before filling your tank and adding the stabilizer.

Battery Care

It's easy to forget about your battery when taking care of maintenance, but it's important that you don't leave it unattended this fall. One of the main issues that boaters run into when breaking out their boat in the spring is dealing with a dead battery because they didn't take proper care during winterization. Avoid leaving your battery connected through the winter because although your boat isn't being used, your battery will get drained. Instead, disconnect your battery and remove it altogether from the boat. Store it in a dry place and charge it periodically while your boat is in storage.

Clean Your Boat

Once you've taken care of the mechanical and electrical maintenance items, give your boat a good wash and wax. Washing the outside of your boat will allow you to remove built on grime that can be corrosive. You can also wax your boat to give it an extra layer of protection while it's stored. Once the outside is taken care of, hop inside and give the interior a thorough cleaning. This will help you catch any issues that need repair and will ensure your boat is ready for use in the spring.

Cover Your Boat

Once you've taken care of all your maintenance projects, big and small, don't forget to cover your boat. This step is especially important if you are planning to store your boat outdoors. The outdoor elements, whether rain, ice, wind, or sun, can cause your boat to age much faster. Look for a cover that is designed for your specific boat in order to ensure a proper fit. If storing your boat outdoors, don't forget to remove electronics and organic materials that can suffer damage in inclement weather, even if you do have a cover for it.

Upgrade Your Boat and Dock

Fall is the best time to consider what upgrades you want for your boat and dock. You've just finished a great season out on the water, and you know exactly what could make the next season even better. before you forget what you wanted to add to the list, make the upgrades that are going to make your enjoyment of lake life even better. As you winterize your boat, make your list of accessories and equipment you want to add to the dock and give Firstmate Controls a call or check out our website to get what you need!

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
410 Century Business Drive
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707


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