What Bonus Items Should be in a Boater's First Aid Kit?

Boating is an exceptionally fun hobby! But, as boaters ourselves, the Firstmate Controls team also knows that boating can come with some additional hazards that you should be aware of before heading out on the water. Keep reading to learn the essential items you might be missing from your on-board first aid kit and go stock up now before the boating season starts in earnest!

Basic First Aid

It's always a good idea to start with a basic first aid kit. Most kits include antiseptic wipes, soap of some kind, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream, bandaids, bandages, gauze, self-adhering tape or athletic tape, scissors, tweezers, basic pain medications (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.), gloves, and some kind of antihistamine. There are several retailers out there that can provide completely stocked and well-organized first aid kits for purchase. This is a great start, but it doesn't include everything you need for a safe and prepared day on the water. 


Some first aid kits will include a mild antihistamine in the pack of medications, but it's really important to check. If you're on vacation from a different area, your body may not be used to the specific kinds of pollen and other allergens that flourish at the lake you're visiting. It's also a good idea to include a stronger medication for allergic reactions, like Benadryl, that could calm the reaction enough to get to help in case you come into contact with something you've never encountered before and it causes a big allergic reaction. Also, it's clearly very important to make sure anyone with severe allergies has their EpiPen with them while on board the boat. 

Breaks and Sprains

These injuries are more common while boating than you might think. Someone may stand up to reach for something while underway and lose their balance, badly twisting their ankle. With good intentions, a passenger might reach out to stop the boat from hitting the dock while parking and smash their finger between the boat and the concrete dock. For these reasons, and so many more, it's a good idea to have some braces and splints in your first aid kit. SAM splints are a great option, because they can be molded into any shape to help support the injured bone or joint. It's also a good idea to carry some finger braces to protect a broken finger from getting more damaged from movement after a bad break. 

(FYI, breaks and sprains can commonly happen on the DOCK too if you're not careful! Read Firstmate Controls' origin story on our website to find out why having a remote-controlled boat lift system could help save you from getting injured.)


While fire extinguishers are good to have in a lot of situations, they are particularly important when you're boating. If a fire breaks out at home or in the car, you could theoretically run away to safety. Fire on the boat can feel a little more dangerous, especially if you tend to not wear lifejackets every moment you're on the boat. It's a lot more difficult to evacuate safely from a boat. For that reason, make sure you have a fire extinguisher rated for the size and type of boat you have, and that it is easily and quickly accessible. It's also important to make sure your lifejackets are easily accessible and the right size and fit for your passengers before heading out on the water. In fact, it's the law. 


If you're going out for a day on the water, it's also important to have a way to signal others that you need help. Waving to boats speeding by isn't going to alert someone that you are in danger and need help. More often than not, they'll just wave back. Instead, make sure you have the proper flags, horns, and flares for the size of your boat so you can let people know when something has gone wrong. 

Your Boat & Dock Safety Solutions

Firstmate Controls was born out of necessity. The old way of boarding, cleaning, and docking boats was causing a lot of accidents that could be prevented! So, we created our remote control boat lift system to make it easier to get in and out of the boat... with the press of a button. We also offer our incredible Bracket Buddy products which help you organize your dock so it's free from tripping hazards and you have quick access to important items like the throwable flotation device or the fire extinguisher. Check out our website to find your perfect dock accessories! 

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
410 Century Business Drive
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707

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