Safe Boating Tips for Labor Day Weekend 2021

Labor Day Weekend 2021 is right around the corner! What are your plans? We suggest getting out on the water! What better way is there to make some unforgettable memories with your family on a holiday weekend? Our boat lift remote controls company is here to give you a few safe boating tips for Labor Day weekend 2021, in this week's blog.

Pay attention to what's around you! (There will likely be a lot of boats out.)

There will be a lot of boats on the water, and unfortunately, not all of those boat operators will be giving their full attention to their surroundings. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on other boaters and your surroundings and to act accordingly to ensure an accident doesn't occur. Be aware of your surroundings and don't get careless or distracted. Something can happen in the blink of an eye, and the best way to avoid these problems from arising is to be alert and watchful.

Check to make sure you have enough life jackets on board. (Do this BEFORE leaving the dock.)

Having a life jacket on board for everyone is not only required by the state of Missouri, but it's a smart habit to get into. While just having the life jackets on board won't do much if someone falls overboard, it will hopefully be a reminder to your guests that wearing a life jacket can save a life in the event of an accident. No matter how well you swim or how slow you're boating, things can happen.

Keep watch for no-wake zones. (Use common sense and your best judgment when judging your speed.)

Keep in mind that there will be tons of boats out, making the water rough and choppy. By plowing through, you're not only causing the water conditions to be even more dangerous for yourself and other boaters, but you're putting yourself and your guests at risk of injury. Slow down, and adjust your speed for the conditions of the water. If it's really rough and you're in a smaller vessel, you may want to consider hanging out in a quieter cove.

Happy Labor Day Weekend 2021 From Firstmate Controls!

All of us here at Firstmate Controls hope that you have a fun holiday weekend with your loved ones. Life is too short not to make these precious memories while your loved ones while you still can. Get out on the water faster to make those fun memories by investing in a reliable boat lift remote. That's where we come in. Call the number listed below to learn more.

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
410 Century Business Drive
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707

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