Easily Avoid these 3 Common Dock Accidents

Boating is a favorite pastime for many around Missouri and all over the nation. It's a great way to bond with friends and family, and just get away from reality for a bit to relax. However, a day on the water can quickly be spoiled by 3 common dock accidents that are so easily avoidable. Check out these common accidents and ways to easily prevent them right here!

Slips and Trips
Any time there's splishing and splashing involved, there's the risk of a slip and fall. However, there are ways to prevent these types of accidents on your dock. Consider installing slip-resistant surfacing or matting products on your dock. A textured surface can help to reduce slippage under wet conditions, making the surface of your dock much safer. To avoid trips, make sure to keep all walkways free of debris, ropes, and anything that might not easily be seen and tripped over.

Shocks and Electrocution
When you own a dock, one of the best perks is being able to jump right in and cool off in the easily accessible lake or river. Unfortunately, electric shock drowning is a very common occurrence and the cause of many water-related deaths annually. Electric shock drowning can happen when electricity from a dock, boat, or marina seeps into the water and electrifies it. As swimmers enter the water the electricity paralyzes their muscles, causing them to drown. What’s more, rescue can be difficult and dangerous because anyone entering the water can receive a disabling stun. A ground fault device can protect the entire power source from its start, and prevent the current from following any unintended paths during a ground fault. Speak to an electrician about possible preventive measures that can be taken to make your dock safe from electrocution.

Falls and Injuries
How many times have you been ready to get out on the water with friends and family, got your boat out of the lift and moored next to the dock so everyone could load up? Now, how many times have you almost watched someone fall into the water trying to get onboard? A simple marine equipment installation like the Firstmate Boat Lift Remote Control system can make boarding and exiting your boat easy and safe for everyone! With just a touch of a button, your lift can quickly reach the onboarding level you set it to, and you don't have to hang on to the dock for dear life since your boat is still sitting safely in the lift until you're ready to go! No more boat rocking and boarding. What a pleasant treat this will be to avoid unnecessary falls and injuries while you and your guests are simply trying to enjoy a day on the boat!

So if you're planning to spend a lot of time on your dock, make sure to take our advice on avoiding these 3 common dock accidents. Your summer should be spent doing the things you love, not wasting time trying to get there. So, save yourself time and hassle and order your Firstmate System today. Visit our website to order or to get more information about our boat lift remote control system!

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
130 Century Commerce Loop
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707

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