4 Preventable Winter Disasters

Our boats cost us a pretty penny. Not only to purchase them, but to enjoy them throughout the boating season, as well. The last thing we want to do is put our pride and joy in jeopardy, especially during the off season when it's not being used. Yet, every year, boat owners make the same mistakes over and over again, and come back in the spring to find their boat has been damaged over the winter months due to negligence and simple ignorance. It's a hard (and costly) lesson learned.
So, before the real harsh weather of winter hits, Firstmate Controls wants to share with you 4 preventable winter disasters that you can easily avoid.

1. Preventing Freeze Damage
If you leave a space heater running or a light-bulb burning onboard, you might think that this is a good way to keep from having to fully winterizing your boat. However, this is the number-one reason why boats stowed for the winter go up in flames. Instead of depending on an additional heat source to prevent freeze damage, fully winterize the boat. If there’s any chance of freeze damage where you live, fully winterizing the boat is your best bet.

2. Storing Your Boat Ashore
When you store your boat ashore and you don’t have a trailer, the typical storage method is to haul and block the hull. Two stands per side is only sufficient up to about 26 feet. If your boat is bigger, additional jack stands should be in place. But most of the weight will be sitting on the boat’s keel, which should be supported by wood blocks. If not, your boat could suffer a broken back. It’s important for the boat’s weight to be evenly distributed, and to prevent all the weight from settling in one area. Jack stands and blocks sometimes settle, especially after a hard rain, and this can cause shifts in the load. So, periodic check-ins through the winter are a key part of ensuring your boat doesn't get damaged while stored ashore.

3. Covering Your Boat
It's important to cover your boat during winter months to avoid damage. But if that cover collapses, your boat’s going to suddenly become exposed. The best way you can defend against this issue is by consistently checking in to make sure everything's ship-shape. A collapsing cover may not be preventable but if you discover what’s gone wrong in a matter of days instead of weeks, you can make some quick repairs and minimize the damage. Of course, the best way to prevent these types of damage is to store your boat indoors.

4. Sinking in the Slip
The majority of boat sinkings during the winter months occur in the slip. Snow adds weight, pushing the boat deeper and deeper into the water until the boat's submerged and the damage has been done. The key to avoiding the snow-triggered sinking is to regularly visit your boat, especially right after a snow fall, and making sure it has power so the pumps will keep running if water does start coming in. Having a smart and reliable boat lift remote control system for your lift can help you avoid these types of disasters!

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!
So, before the winter gets bad, be sure to take preventive measures to avoid these types of disasters. If you're uncomfortable with winterizing your boat on your own, rely on a professional to handle that for you. And don't forget to get a Firstmate Boat Lift Remote Control for your lift. Contact us today to get your boat lift remote control ordered for next boating season!

For a limited time, we're running an END OF YEAR SALE! Order your boat lift control online at www.FirstmateControls.com and we'll take 25% off any online order! Plus, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on orders over $500! 

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
130 Century Commerce Loop
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707

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