Boating Safety Tips for 4th of July Celebrations

We've got another spectacular holiday weekend coming up, which means boaters will be coming out in force to celebrate! We want all who go out to celebrate this Fourth of July on the water to take boating safety seriously. This week, Firstmate Controls will be focusing on sharing ways to stay safe in rough water conditions. Take a look:

Check your Vessel Thoroughly

Before heading out on the water, it's important to make sure your boat systems are functioning properly. Make sure your gas tank is full, and that you know where your nearest fuel stations are located. Make sure your battery is holding charge as it should. Check the navigation system and lights to make sure they're working.

Be a Defensive Driver

There will be a lot of boats on the water, and unfortunately, not all of those boat operators will be giving their full attention to their surroundings. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on other boaters and your surroundings and to act accordingly to ensure an accident doesn't occur. Be aware of your surroundings and don't get careless or distracted. Something can happen in the blink of an eye, and the best way to avoid these problems from arising is to be alert and watchful.

Adjust Your Speed for Conditions

In the excitement of getting the celebration started, it's easy to get wrapped up in the moment and forget to watch your speed. But keep in mind that there will be tons of boats out, making the water rough and choppy. By plowing, you're not only causing the water conditions to be even more dangerous for yourself and other boaters, but you're putting yourself and your guests at risk of injury. Slow down, and adjust your speed for the conditions of the water. If it's really rough and you're in a smaller vessel, you may want to consider hanging out in a quieter cove or less busy part of a river.

Avoid Boating After Dark

The risk of an on-water incident taking place rises tremendously after dark. You can't see as well, and other boaters can't see you either. But if you have to, make sure before you leave the dock for the day to check your navigation lights. Drive slow and avoid traveling in unfamiliar locations. Make sure you have someone on board who can be your second pair of eyes to keep an eye out for hard to see obstructions.

Have Life Jackets On Board for Everyone

Typically, this goes without say. But it's so important that we feel it's necessary to reiterate. WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET! Having a life jacket on board for every one is not only required by the state of Missouri, but it's a smart habit to get into. While just having the life jackets on board won't do much if someone falls over board, it will hopefully be a reminder to your guests that wearing a life jacket can save a life in the event of an accident. No matter how well you swim or how slow you're boating, things can happen.

Keep Your Boat and Lift Safe from Damage

With the boating traffic making waters rough, the best thing you can do to ensure your boat and lift doesn't receive damage is to install a boat lift remote control system. With a Firstmate system, you can easily raise, lower, and set in board position with the click of a button. This prevents the need for mooring and getting damage to your boat by banging up against the dock. It also prevents your lift from taking damage from floating debris and large wakes. We manufacture each boat lift remote control system to work specifically for your lift, regardless of lift size. So before you get out to enjoy the Fourth of July festivities by water, make sure you get a Firstmate Boat Lift Remote Control System for your dock!

Contact Firstmate Controls TODAY to get your boat lift remote control system ordered.

Boat Lift Controls You Can Count On!

Firstmate Controls 
130 Century Commerce Loop
Labadie, MO 63055

Phone: (866) 570-9707

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